My Story

Austin Winters - Pianist

    My name is Austin and I am from a smaller but very nice town called Mason Michigan. I was born and raised here and still am here to this day. My music is what I would call romantic. It's soft and soothing. I love peaceful piano music so that is what I have tried to model my music around. I love to compose my own music and that's mostly what I put my energy towards. I have had the privilege to play at many wedding ceremonies mostly for friends and family. Weddings are one of my favorite things to go to and to be able to add my music to the special day has been a real blessing for me. I have also played a couple of conventions as background music as well and that is something I enjoy as well.

    My musical journey started when I was 4 years old. I was very fortunate to have the best teachers in Mrs Tanimoto and Robert Cornwell.  They taught me everything about music. Especially how to play with emotion. I am very grateful for them. Growing up my mom was a huge advocate for the arts. She really believed in the education of it and got me started by signing me up for piano lessons. I'll tell you that I wasn't too thrilled about it. What child wants to spend time practicing an instrument when they could be out playing with friends. I took lessons to make my mom happy because I knew it meant the world to her. So I find myself a senior in High School when I hear Jim Brickman's music for the first time. Wow what beautiful music. I realized at that moment that I wanted to make music just like Jim. Emotionally filled romantic music. Jim became my musical idol and from there on out I finally understood and felt a passion for music. Thank you mom for keeping me in it for all those years. 

    Some of my biggest influences are Jim Brickman, Danny Wright, Paul Cardall, Billy Joel, Stanton Lanier, George Winston, and Steven Sharp Nelson to name my favorites. I recommend you check these musicians out for yourself.

    As for what lies ahead for me. I plan on writing more music as my brain and heart allows me to be creative. I also plan to start maybe doing a few concerts a year. I will keep doing weddings here and there and any background music for events that I can. Keep an eye on the shows tab for upcoming events I may be playing. Also go to the music tab to hear my music and hopefully you enjoy it. Thank you for stopping by. If you would like to have me play at your event, just go to the contact tab and fill out the form and I will be happy to get back with you if I'm available.